The eternal dilemma of the property market: how do prices per square metre change?

The eternal dilemma of the property market: how do prices per square metre change?

Hungarian Housing Market: Challenges and Prospects

The Hungarian housing market is still characterised by high prices per square metre and high rents. Low salaries continue to make it difficult to find a home, often leading to a housing crisis.

Measures to Alleviate Housing Market Tensions

The Index has consistently warned of the problem, which the government is trying to alleviate through various measures. The new economic policy action plan includes many measures to help people get into a home

Real Estate Market Trends

  • Square metre prices: popularity depends on location and size of property. A further increase in prices could cause a fall in demand.
  • Smaller homes: experiencing high demand, leading to rapid sales.

Public Incentives and Investment

Capital released from government bonds has an impact on the housing market, and government subsidies can increase transparency in the rental market.

Different Data in the Reports of the CSO and the MNB

The KSH data show that there was a slight decline in the price of new housing, but that house prices rose overall. In contrast, MNB data show further price increases.

Expected Outlook 2025

  • Demand for smaller and renovated homes is likely to increase
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  • Tight supply and government incentives may cause prices to continue to rise.
  • Increased supply will create more options for buyers.

In summary, housing market demand is expected to remain strong, while affordable demand could fall if high prices persist.
