Price growth of real estate in Dunaújváros over a quarter of a century

Price growth of real estate in Dunaújváros over a quarter of a century

Home prices in Dunaújváros two decades later

Over the past 25 years, the prices of apartments and detached houses in Dunaújváros have risen dramatically. Two years of steady growth were already noticeable, but last autumn prices soared to skyrocketing heights. This phenomenon is not only due to the stock market and falling deposit rates, but also to the fact that it has become known that the government is working on new housing policy ideas. In the property market, more and more people have held back their properties for sale, or have listed them but set a high price.

The housing market in 2000

At that time, two or three apartments were sold every week in Dunaújváros, with ten times as many people bidding for them. In panel houses, a one-room apartment cost an average of HUF 2.5 million, two-room apartments with interconnecting doors cost around HUF 2.9 million, while those with separate entrances cost HUF 3.4 million. The average price of three-bedroom apartments reached HUF 3 million, and roof terraces were sold for between HUF 5 and 7 million, depending on their built-in size. For brick houses, prices were HUF 2 to 300 thousand higher per category. Old farmhouses were asking nearly 4 million, while family homes built in the 1970s and 1980s were asking 8-12 million. A modern house with a garden could cost as much as HUF 12-25 million. Vacant plots ranged from 2.5 to 6 million forints, depending on their location and utilities.

Today's real estate market situation

There has been a slight decrease in activity on the real estate market in Dunaújváros. Sellers are still trying to keep prices high, while buyers want to pay less. The uncertain situation of the ironworks is also having an impact on the market, with many people holding out. This trend is particularly strong in Dunaújváros, but more moderate in neighbouring municipalities. The number of transactions has dropped significantly compared to recent years, although prices are at a medium level compared to the national average.

Real estate prices in 2025 in Dunaújváros

According to the statistics for the beginning of 2025, the average price per square metre in the local real estate market will show a significant increase:

  • Rented properties: 507 thousand Ft/m²
  • Flats for rent: 495 thousand HUF/m²
  • Houses for rent: 532 thousand Ft/m²

These prices are significantly higher than 25 years ago, when a 50 sqm apartment cost 2.5-3.4 million HUF. Today, the same apartment costs on average 24.75 million forints.

Examples of the current housing market

According to information from Ingatlanbazár, you can also view some properties for sale in and around Dunaújváros. The lowest priced is a brick apartment for 16 500 000 HUF, which offers a reasonable price but has a floor area of only 37 square meters. A 445 946 HUF square metre apartment is not a low price, but is relatively affordable due to location factors. Another interesting property has two houses and a swimming pool, priced at just 19 900 000 HUF and 349 123 HUF per square metre.

For an average apartment on the real estate market, a price of 400,000 forints per square metre is not surprising for an apartment that needs renovation. For example, the 59 m², 1 + 2 half-room apartment in the Béke district, which is to be renovated, is available for 22 800 000 HUF. Flats in good condition are also available: a 53 sq m fully furnished prefabricated flat with a good panoramic view is available for HUF 27 100 000.

For comparison, there is already a house for sale in the city at a similar price, a traditional mixed-construction apartment building built in the 1940s.
